Teresa May
Using stereotypes ( a kind of code for how society view groups of people) means newspapers can create satire or other key messages. Read through the handout on gender and think about how Teresa May is treated by the press.
How is the editor is using language and images to represent her?
The Daily Mirror uses the main image to present there views against Teresa May. By this they select an image where May is looking unattractive to feminise her. The image is large, so that it cant be missed buy the audience who would see May in this unattractive light. The main heading is large, and bold, and placed carefully around the image of May. Within the heading repetition us used of the word 'Lie' suggesting that her actions are continuous, whilst also placing emphasis on it, highlighting how May cant be trusted. Beneath the main image and headline, the subheading instructs the reader to not allow Teresa to be in charge Dont' making the reader feel ;like they are participating whilst also being instructed that they can not allow or trust the government and their promise and to therefore vote labour. This portrays the Papers political allegiance as they do not back the conservative party.
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